Harbor Networks Blog

5 Technologies You Can Get Rid of Sooner Than You Think​​​​​​​

Written by Harbor Networks | June 28, 2017

Streamlining your business to maximize efficiency is about more than just implementing new processes or hiring the right team. You need the right technology on your side.

But as you well know, the technology that worked for you yesterday isn't necessarily the best choice for today.
Phones, computers, and other innovations are becoming obsolete faster than you can say "BetaMax."
By keeping up with technology trends, you'll be better able to invest wisely and get rid of the software and hardware that isn't serving you anymore.

But as anyone who's ever tried to stay ahead of the curve on business technology can tell you, it isn't always easy.

Sometimes you need a little direction to help you on your way.

So here are five types of technology that can get you started on the path to a more efficient business with less obsolete technology.

1. Traditional Landlines

When you started your business, the phone on your desk may well have been the only way you were able to communicate with co-workers, clients, and customers. But things are much different now.
According to the Pew Research Center, 77% of adults in the U.S. have smartphones. Between these handheld computers, email, instant messaging, and softphone capabilities, the standard landline phone setup is a thing of the past for most people and many offices.

But does that mean you should unplug your desk phone and throw it directly into the garbage? Of course not.
Instead, consider how you can make your office network operate seamlessly with the communication technology that your employees already know and love, like their personal smartphones. Without these types of business IT solutions through unified communications, your phone could become little more than a paperweight. 

2. Passwords as We Know Them

When you're keeping up with tech news, you will see a constant barrage of stories about data breaches and the role that passwords play in keeping your personal and business data safe.

But if you've been reading recently you know that there is no password that can protect your data as well as the types of security that are coming down the pipeline.

Passwords based on your wedding anniversary or your favorite aunt's casserole recipe are going to be a thing of the past, cast aside for fingerprint scanners, voice recognition, and even retina sensors.

As a business owner, this is a good development in business IT solutions. No passwords mean that your data, as well as that of your customers, will be safer. Of course, it also means investing a little more in the new technologies that will replace passwords and maintaining vigilance about who you hire and grant access to that data.

3. Charging Cords

You and your employees are already taking advantage of wireless technology. Your computer is probably connected wirelessly to your broadband. Your keyboard and mouse are likely Bluetooth enabled, as is the headset you use to take calls.

And yet you still have to plug your smartphone into a wall outlet or USB to charge it. And when your mouse battery runs low, that's got to be plugged in, too.

Not for long.

We are now entering the era of wireless charging.

There are already options popping up for wireless charging mats for your smartphone. Soon your entire office can constantly be charging and recharging your most important devices, leaving your team plenty of time to focus on more important tasks.

4. Remote Controls

When you need to set up a video conference in your conference room, what's the first thing that you do? Probably switch on the television or monitor with a remote.

Soon, this too will be a thing of the past. Whether it's in your conference room or your living room, remote controls and the technology used in them is quickly becoming obsolete.

The research firm Strategy Analytics forecasts that emerging categories in the Internet of Things (IoT), smart home and wearables will connect an additional 17.6 billion devices by 2020.

With the ubiquity of devices like Alexa or Google Home, turning on the TV, switching the channel, or starting your video conference will require little more than a few words like "Hey Alexa?. Start my conference call."

5. Credit Cards

When you have a business lunch and throw down that corporate AmEx, you probably don't spend a lot of time thinking about the technology used to process that payment. Credit cards as we use them today are quickly becoming a thing of the past. Though you may maintain a corporate account, it is much more likely that you'll pay for those lunches using an app on your phone, or eventually just your fingerprint. Like passwords, this kind of technological advancement makes our data more secure and can make record keeping for your business even easier.

We can never know exactly what type of technology is coming down the pipeline, but the better we do at preparing for what's to come, the more efficient an office we can build and maintain.